Mickey and his delightful double, along with Donald, Goofy, Horace, and Pluto, bring all the warmth and adventure of Disney's version of Mark Twain's 'Prince and the pauper' to life in this illustr…
This is the story of a Connecticut Yankee who is magically transported back to King Arthur's time, but with the knowledge of modern technology. Will technology win out over the magic of Merlin, the…
In this parody of The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer, we have Mick(ey) Sawyer who is always getting into trouble and being punished by Aunt Molly (in place of Aunt Polly). Just as the original, when she …
Edward -- VI, -- King of England, -- 1537-1553 -- Juvenile fiction. Mistaken identity -- Juvenile fiction. Edward -- VI, -- King of England, -- 1537-1553 -- Fiction.