Age range 7 to 12 In this third installment of the Minecraft Gamer's Adventure series, Steve is invited to participate in an elite building competition on Mushroom Island. His friends-Max, Lucy,…
Don't just play Minecraft. Go on an amazing adventure right into the game itself. What could be more fun for boys and girls that love both Minecraft and reading?!?!?! Stevie and Maison have a gr…
Steve lives on a wheat farm. He has everything he needs to live in the Minecraft world: a bed, a house, and food. Steve likes to spend his mornings in the NCP village and trade his wheat for emeral…
Age range 7 to 12 Steve is back and ready for more adventures! But this time the excitement lands closer to home. While walking home from the village, Steve is surprised to hear a loud BOOM! Whe…